
Live Classes | Advance
Live Classes | Advance

Embark on a linguistic odyssey with our advanced-level live course, where native Spanish-speaking maestros, fueled by a passion for teaching, will be your guiding lights. Crafted for those who wield a solid foundation in Spanish and hunger for a deeper linguistic dive, this course is a gateway to the realms of Disagreement/Agreement, Conjunctions, Pretérito Perfecto e Imperfecto (Perfect and Imperfect tenses), Pronombres Tónicos y Átonos (Stressed and Unstressed Pronouns), Quantifiers, and beyond.

As you navigate this linguistic expedition, your Spanish prowess will sharpen, allowing you to not just communicate but to thrive in complex discussions. Whether your aim is to converse seamlessly with native speakers, articulate your thoughts and ideas with fluency, or actively participate in debates, this course is finely tuned to furnish you with the necessary tools. Our philosophy revolves around creating an immersive and interactive learning haven—a space where you not only absorb the language intricacies but also gain the confidence to partake in meaningful conversations. Here, you’ll learn to express your ideas while embracing, respecting, and debating the perspectives of others.

As the curtain falls on this advanced course, you’ll emerge well-prepared to wield Spanish with proficiency. Conversing with native speakers, engaging in invigorating conversations and debates—these will become your forte. Your heightened language proficiency will not only unlock the gates to the Spanish-speaking world but also allow you to forge deeper connections with its people and cultures. Consider this advanced course not just a mastery of language, but a key to unlocking the richness of the Spanish-speaking community. Your linguistic journey is about to reach new heights—get ready for an exhilarating ascent!

Levels Menu

General Info.

4 Weeks

Mondays and Wednesdays

Class Time

8am to 9am EST or 7pm to 8pm EST

Group Sessions

Learning with 3-5 participants per Class

General Details

  • Course Cost: $125
  • Age: 13+

Live Classes | Advance

Select your Start Date for 2024

January | 8 – 31

February | 5 – 28

March | 4 – 27

April | 1 – 24

May | 6 – 29

June | 3 – 26

July | 1 – 24

August | 5 – 28

September | 2 – 25

October | 7 – 30

November | 4 – 27

Discover Your Spanish Proficiency!

Take our quick and easy Spanish proficiency assessment to discover your language skills, from beginners to advanced levels. Get a detailed evaluation of your performance at the end. Ready to uncover your potential in Spanish? Start now!