3 Must-Do Activities in Mexico City

by | Dec 23, 2022 | Learning | 0 comments

Planning your 2023 trip to Mexico City? Here are 3 staples to add to your itinerary.

Walk Through History At The Palacio de Bellas Artes

This iconic building opened its doors in the 1930’s and is considered one of the most historical spots in Mexico City. Visually stunning and rich in art history, it is now a popular venue for nationally and internationally recognized artists and showcases. Tour times are typically between 12-5PM and admission is 70 Pesos / 3.50 USD per person.


Gondola Ride In Xochimilco

A colorful, fun and deep-dive into Mexican culture! Xochimilco’s famous canals south of the city, are a portion of the historic water transportation system the Aztecs built hundred of years ago. Nowadays, you can hop on a boat and cruise through a water market of food vendors, mariachi entertainment, and local artisans. Boat tours typically kick off at 9AM and run until 6PM. Gondola rides are typically 600 Pesos ($30 USD) per person for 1 hour. Reservations booked in advance are recommended.

Self-Guided Food Tour Of La Condesa

This magical neighborhood 5 km west of the city center is a foodie’s dream come true. From artisan Mexican cuisine to hipster coffee shops and bars, munching your way through La Condesa is the perfect way to spend a day in the city. As it is a hot spot for expats, it’s also a great way for you to put your Spanish to the test if you are a beginner!

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It’s safe to say, there is something for everyone in Mexico City. Whether you are going for a weekend or virtual-nomading for a few months,  as long as these three spots are on your to-do list, you are pretty much guaranteed a great time. Viva Mexico!